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the official homepage for the mighty sea scouts of
penang free school
8th georgetown (south) sea scout group

Re : Pantai Kerachut Hike and Camp 2011

Due to the postpone of previous plan of PANTAI KERACHUT HIKE and CAMP 2011 (PKHC) , now we are organising another one to make it up . The details of the camp are stated below.

Date : 16 March 2011 - 17 March 2011
Venue : Pantai Kerachut , Penang National Park (Teluk Bahang)
Time : 0700 hrs (meet at UMP[usual meeting place])
Dismissal : 1730 hrs (Penang Free School)
Attire : Full Sea Scout Uniform
Fees : RM20 per head (bus fare, trophies,food for bbq , etc. )

Attendance is strictly compulsory to Form 1s to Form 4s

Interesting Badge

Found this over the internet .
Its for sale but the price is totally unreasonable .
So I rather not post it up =)

Something’s going on at the Botanic Gardens

Eco-stream or eco-tampering? (The view looking towards Coronation Camp)

In case you are wondering what’s going on at the Penang Botanic Gardens, the pictures above show the “Eco-Stream Walk” under construction.

The is one of four new “attractions” in the pipeline, the others being a bambusetum (a bamboo park), a garden mall and a water garden.

The “Eco-Stream Walk” will be 300 metres long, following the stream from the nursery in the Gardens to a parking area near Waterfall Road.

They are also building a ‘Tourist Pavilion’ opposite the Horticulture Centre – gallery, souvenir shops and information booths. (More concrete in the gardens?) Wouldn’t one information booth be enough?

In a future phase, a bamboo village will be added.

Why not, when you have RM7 million funding from the Tourism Ministryunder the Ninth Malaysia Plan? Let’s build some “attractions”. After all, we can’t stand seeing open green recreational spaces around. We must “develop” them.

He said he didn’t know what was so “eco” about it when they are clearing the vegetation from the banks of the stream, raising the level of the banks and putting in some kind of matting for the pedestrian walkway.

Maybe they think they can improve on Nature?

He pointed out that the original plan for the walkway was so much simpler.

However a blogger added :

And they evacuated the scouts out of the Coronation camp!

I also didn’t notice this project until I asked my sons, “Eh, you scouts never go camping anymore?”

He said, “The camp is gone-lah!”



Probationary Court Of Honour (COH)

Honorary Secretary – Jason Teoh
Honorary Treasurer – Nachiappan Thaneemalai
Quartermaster – Heymen Naidu
Badgework Secretary – Jason Teoh
Troop Logkeeper – Lim Boon Leong
Attendance Logkeeper – Lee Zhi Hoong
Public Duty Coordinator - Arthur Yeow
Canoe Master – Ch’ng Wei Sheng
Swimming Master – Chan Kok Seng
Photographer – Khoo Boo Yen
First Aider – Ryan Koay
Troop Webmaster – Jason Teoh


Would like to inform all sea-scouts that KERACHUT HIKE and CAMP will be postponed to the March Holidays . Stay Tuned !

Patrol List 2011

Finally we got our full name list . However we only managed to get 12 form 1s this year but its okay . Its not the quantity that matters , Its the QUALITY ! So , here is the patrol list for 2011

Senior Patrol
SPL Jason Teoh
SPS Nachiappan
Heymen Naidu
Lee Zhi Hoong
Ryan Koay
Ch'ng Wei Sheng
Lim Boon Leong
Arthur Yeow
Chan Kok Seng
Khoo Boo Yen
Joshua Chan
Ho Hee Xian

Dolphin Patrol
PL Jonathan Kow Eng Tatt
PS Sharmindran
Jason Ng
Lim Boon Yeong
Erik Arthur Mitchell
Lim Khai Hoong
Sheikh Hanif
Joel Lim
Shawn Tye
Muhamad Zulkarnian
Muhamad Haziq

Otter Patrol
PL Ivan Khoo
PS Roshvinder Singh
Chew Chin Chai
Quak Tien Choong
Chen Yu Xiang
Lim Chin Hai
Richard Ho
Syed Ahman Amin

Pantai Kerachut Hike and Camp 2011

The 8th Georgetown South Sea Scout Group will be organizing the Pantai Kerachut Hike and Camp again. This camp is held specially for the new recruits of our troop. Many fun activities will be held there. This is the chance for you guys to take a closer look at the nature of our beloved Penang National Park. Attendance is compulsory for all form 1's to 4's . Details of the camp are stated below.

Date : 12 February 2011 - 13 February 2011
Venue : Pantai Kerachut , Penang National Park (Teluk Bahang)
Time : 0700 hrs (meet at UMP[usual meeting place])
Dismissal : 1730 hrs (Penang Free School)
Attire : Full Sea Scout Uniform
Fees : RM20 per head (bus fare, trophies,food for bbq , etc. )

*ex-scouts are invited*
"TEAM = Together Everyone Achieve More"

Happy Chinese New Year 2011

The Chinese New Year for the year 2011 is just in few days time. Its the year of the rabbit ! However , on the behalf of the 8th Georgetown South Sea Scouts Group I would like to wish you all sea scouts , ex-scouts and not forgetting the sister guides a very Happy Chinese New Year. Wishing you a prosperous and healthy Chinese New Year. Dont forget send us some angpaus ! The troop needs money now !

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Yours sincerely,
8th GT(S)
Sea Scout Group