welcome to 08online

the official homepage for the mighty sea scouts of
penang free school
8th georgetown (south) sea scout group

Troop Take Over 2008

One of the most anticipated event of the term is here. Troop Take Over is the time where probationary leaders and assistant leaders will be elected to lead the troop for the next term. They will be under strict evaluation under a period of 3 months or so. Then , the truly deserved ones will only be promoted to a permanent post. Attendance is COMPULSORY for ALL scouts from all forms. Scouts that could not attend this activity will be given a warning letter unless a valid reason is given. Details are as follows.
Date : 24 May 2008
Time : 0800 hrs - 1030 hrs
Venue : Usual Meeting Place ( UMP )
Attire : Full Sea Scout Uniform
*sorry for the late post due to the exams

Say What?!? Part 006

Say What?!? Part 006

Sometimes just looking at Simon Loh is enough to get a rush of endorphins. His silly face is good enough to make you laugh out loud, either with him or at him. This photo is another classic Simon Loh moment. In this sixth installment of the caption-making-just-for-fun-only what-you-call-it-thingy, put the words into this joker's mouth.

Fold Your Shirts In Two Seconds

The technique shown in this video would prove useful for Morning Inspection layouts. Think of all the time you could save and how nicely the shirts will be folded.

Isn't it time all of you scouts master this for upcoming camps?