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the official homepage for the mighty sea scouts of
penang free school
8th georgetown (south) sea scout group

The Saga Continues

Long have we awaited for the next installment of Memoirs of a Sea Scout. In fact, the last we heard of our favourite sea scout was way back in 2008! What was the cause of this hiatus? Was it a court injunction stopping the release of more details from the recovered journal belonging to the mysterious sea scout? Why is this matter being brought up again after such a long time? Is it due to the mysterious sea scout finally ending his schooling life that more details from the journal can be revealed now without much detriment to him?

Has this anything to do with the world coming to an end on 21st December 2012? Is it possible that the webmasters aren't afraid of any litigation brought forward to them since it will soon be the end of days that they have thrown caution to the wind and decided to reveal all instead? Has the sea scout himself finally given his blessing to this series?

It all doesn't really matter now, does it? As long as new entries will be coming up from now on. How long do we have to wait for the next installment, you ask? Not long at all. The next entry will be released on...


Does this number sequence have any significance to the story at all? Could it be the sea scout's birthday even? Stop asking so many questions and go update yourself on where we left off before the much awaited release tomorrow! What better way than to read from the very beginning, right? It all began with the introduction to our mysterious sea scout...and the saga continues TOMORROW! Are you guys excited?

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